Impact of Alcohol on Young People Community Forum

Impact of Alcohol on Young People Community Forum



This forum is brought to you by Wodonga Council, as part of the VicHealth Alcohol Harm Prevention Grant funding.   

Presented by Drug Ed Australia alongside DrinkWise, the forum will cover:  

  • Data - “It’s okay to say nay” 
  • The risks and potential harm associated with alcohol  
  • Tips and strategies for talking with young people about alcohol  
  • How to strengthen communication and minimise harm when talking alcohol with young people in your life  

Following the forum there will be a panel Q&A with representatives from Junction Support Services, Wodonga Police, Drug Ed Australia and DrinkWise. 

Light refreshments and a networking opportunity will follow the panel session. 

An Auslan interpreter will be attending.

This project was funded by the Victorian Health Promotion Foundation (VicHealth). VicHealth is a pioneer in health promotion. It was established by the Victorian Parliament as part of the Tobacco Act 1987 and has a primary focus on promoting good health for all and preventing chronic disease. 

More about our forum partners and presenters 

DrinkWise is an evidence-based social change organisation dedicated to transforming the Australian drinking culture to one that is safer and healthier. 

Simon Strahan was appointed CEO of DrinkWise in 2017 following several years with the organisation as Marketing Director. Simon has spent over 20 years working with leading Australian and international brands, including Cotton On, Australia Post, TAC and AWB. Simon’s experience in social marketing, acquisitions, strategy and global retail eCommerce has delivered insight into changing market and consumer dynamics, facilitated early digital technology adoption and enabled the creation of unique partnership opportunities. 

Drug Ed Australia is providing drug and alcohol education through a safety lens. The objective of Drug Ed Australia is to teach young people about the harmful effects of alcohol and other drug use, as a key preventative measure in the ongoing effort to address the related harm. 

Sharon Torpey is the founder and director of Drug Education Australia, a leading provider of high quality, factual drug education. Sharon is a qualified Physical Education and Health Teacher, with 25 years experience connecting with young people and their parents. 

Purchase Tickets
Important Information
Session Info: 5.30pm
Date: Thursday 20 February 2025 - 20 February 2025
Cost: Free, bookings required.
Duration: 120 minutes
General Info: NA
Venue: The Cube Wodonga
Bookings: Bookings essential: Tickets available by phone in person or online* *Online ticket sales are generally available up until two hours prior to the start of each show.

*Online ticket sales are generally available up until 30 minutes prior to the start of each show.

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